Berichte und Mitschriften von der GDC 2009

Adam Martin hat auf seinem Blog T=Machine eine Liste der bisher bekannten Berichte und Mitschriften von Vorträgen der GDC 2009 veröffentlicht. Darunter finden sich:

  • GDC09: Meaningful Social Reality Games
  • GDC09: ‘Winging It’ – Ups, Downs, Mistakes, Successes in the Making of LITTLEBIGPLANET
  • GDC09: Advanced Data Mining and Intelligence from Large-Scale Game Data
  • GDC Transcript: James Portnow, User Generated Story: The Promise of Unsharded Worlds
  • The Indie Businessman
  • GDC: Games That Connect People
  • GDC09: Game Mechanics Without Rules
  • GDC09: Worlds In Motion Summit: Keynote
  • GDC09: Online Games: Europe Challenges
  • GDC09: Dragonslaying: Facebook lessons learned from Dungeons and Dragons Tiny Adventures
  • GDC09: How to sell Social Networking to your Publisher
  • GDC09: Building and Sustaining Successful Free to Play MMOs

Quelle: GDC 2009: all transcripts / liveblogs

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